SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR FOR EASY CALCULATIONS Imagine this: You are an engineer professional and you need to do this calculation: 58,675,985 = 729,619? For example: 2.5 4 + sin 63 + log 28 Also, any calculation that involves any scientific calculations , which includes exponentialsand logarithms trigonometrical trigonometry, factorials imaginary and complex numbers such as matrices, fractions and matrices decimal arithmetic and a lot more! Unfortunately, we're not equipped with an impressive mental calculator like the renowned mathematician Shakuntala Devi. This is the place where a scientific calculator facilitates our calculations.Science is all about understanding. Engineering is about Doing. - Henry Petroski What is an scientific calculator and how is it different from a normal calculator? In general, using a basic calculator that you are able to perform basic arithmetic functions such as subtraction, addition multiplication, division and subtraction. As ...
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